InfoFind 1.0.0764 is a set of utilities to perform several tasks in your computer.
The program joins under a single interface the following utilities:
Computer History, where you can view the latest files and folders that were accessed by the computer.
Computer Security, that allows you to use File and Text Encryption and show the list of installed and running programs.
Dictionary and Thesaurus: allows you to search between 147000 words.
Calculator: lets you perform calculations through a scientific calculator.
Measurements: lets you convert between different types of measurement units.
File Viewer: lets you view the content of different file types, opening the right program to do that.
Picture Viewer: lets you see graphic files.
Encrypt/Decrypt files: lets you perform text encryption in files.
Favorite Programs: builds a list of the programs you run often.
Running Programs: shows a complete list of the programs that are being run.
Startup Programs: shows you a list of the programs that run when Windows starts.
Database Applications: lets you build and maintain databases.
Open a Database: lets you open some of the created databases.
The program can be used without registration, but you will have access to more features in the registered version.